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  • Writer's pictureMiss Tee-Hee

Love Island Season 2 Week 2: I think I owe Tre a slight apology

Hello! Welcome back! (I really hope some of you came back at least) And if you’re new here, thanks for coming! Last week as you can see, I may have declared Tre the villain a little too soon--not the first time I’ve jumped to conclusions about a man. But you know what, his initial impression was to be the player/villian guy so can you blame me for falling victim to reality TV editing?! Just because I watch this shit all the time doesn’t mean I’m not willing to entertain all the smoke and mirrors! Anyways, as a person I don’t think he’s nearly as horrible as some of these other people (*AHEM* JAMES!! And Connor kind of). However, do I think he’s here to find love? No. He’s there for the money--and in the times we’re living in right now, I fucking get it. Sooo, SORRRRRRYYYY Tre! I guess you're not the worst human being. Congratulations! I have a lot more to say about this week so let’s jump right into it!

Starting off the week the couples are:

Cely + Johnny Moira + James Rachel + Jeremiah Kierstan + Carrington Justine + Tre Mackenzie + Connor Both Calvin and Caleb are the new singles in the villa.

So last week, we left off with Kierstan leaving The Caleb Show and going on her date with the other new islander, Calvin. And Rachel was asked to join Caleb on the second half of his date. Kierstan is uninterested in Calvin but doesn’t look like she’s as annoyed by his presence as she was by Caleb’s. Rachel and Caleb seem to be vibing well and that tracks because Rachel is twenty freaking one and finds his cockiness endearing. I won’t shade her for it because my choices in guys at 21 were also questionable--and still are at 26!!

When Moira gets back from her date, James is practically being talked off the ledge of the villa by Tre. Aaaaand this is where I started to change my mind about Tre, because he recognizes James is being a psychopath and tries to talk him down and save him from self-sabotage but quickly jumps ship when he realizes it's a lost cause, as James is already seeing red and foaming at the mouth at this point. He tried to help but wasn't about to be seen as defending that behavior. I am SO GLAD none of the other guys defended James either because that shit was not only triggering but it also caused me a lot of second-hand embarrassment.

The jealous behavior, the possessiveness over Moira after literally like, 48 hours of knowing her, the gaslighting! My god--I can’t. If anyone was a villain this season, it was James. I don’t care that he was in the villa for like, three days, and we're only two weeks into the show, he’s the official season two bad guy in my book. And yes, this is the hill I want to die on!


Also James:

I could literally write an entire blog post about James' problematic behavior in this episode but I wouldn’t ever give him that much publicity so lets move the fuck on because he’s already getting too much here.

Rachel pulls Jeremiah aside to tell him that her date with Caleb went well for her and she was open to getting to know him. Jeremiah isn’t phased.

Kierstan lets Carrington know that she's open to having conversations with both Calvin and Caleb but she still feels strongest about their connection. Everyone except Moira and James go to bed feeling pretty good about where they’re at.

The following morning, Kierstan tells Caleb she’s still only here for Carrington right now and he accepts it but lets her know that she should still keep her options open. Kierstan:

Moira tries to talk to James about the night before and he literally sits there and pretends that nothing happened and he wasn’t about to skin Calvin in his sleep and wear him as a bodysuit the next morning for Moira. My heart is actually racing watching him gaslight the shit out of her and act as if she is being crazy for calling out his erratic behavior like it wasn’t completely normal. I am at a loss for words. Moira tells him she needs her space and gets the hell away from that psychopath.

I know I also said I hated Mackenzie last week, but I think she’s actually a good friend to the girls in the villa. She's just insecure AF and does not know how to be in a healthy relationship herself. I love her for checking James though because somebody really needed to if it wasn't going to be Moira.

Justine tells Tre she wants to take things slow and Tre is happy to do so. I don’t think he likes Justine and I don’t even think Justine likes him, I think they’re both just happy to be coupled up and still have a shot at the $100,000. Don't forget Justine is not only a financial advisor but she does go-go dancing on top of it--the girl enjoys a check and I always support a woman getting her coin.

The following day, James tries AGAIN to gaslight and manipulate Moira and half-ass apologize to her for his “overreaction” because he knows he’s definitely going home. Moira would probably pack James’ bags for him right now if she could.

Justine and Caleb chat briefly and express slight interest in each other. Moira gets a text announcing a vegas-themed party and she literally dislocates her knee winding her hips in celebration and suddenly I can't figure out what's more unstable, James or Moira's knee.

That night at the vegas party, they play what would-be a raunchy roulette if these people weren’t such effing pussies. Did anyone that wasn’t in a couple even make out? *Yawn.* After roulette, the islanders had to choose a couple to go in the hideaway-- obviously Cely and Johnny are chosen. And Mackenzie is mad at Connor because she simply won't stand for him giving three other girls in the group a dry peck on the lips??? During a game of truth or dare???? Unclear.

Before going to bed, Moira and Calvin have a chat and essentially agree to couple up putting the final nail in the coffin of Jame’s and Moira’s 48-hour romance. THANK GOD. Meanwhile, Justine and Tre pretend to flirt for the cameras because they have to keep up appearances if they're going to continue to stay in the villa.

The following morning Cely confirms to the group she didn’t sleep with Johnny. They probably (definitely?) spent the whole night plotting how to make it until the end instead.

Connor pulls Mackenzie aside and confronts her about her overreaction to the truth or dare roulette game they played the other night and it goes terribly. Connor gets out like, half a sentence, before Mackenzie runs off crying.

In a second attempt to have a conversation, she explains that she ran away because she was embarrassed and felt blindsided--I guess all the millionaires she dated in the past blindsided her so it was traumatic for her. This would be valid if Connor did that but he simply just tried to have a calm conversation with her about his feelings. Rachel pulls Jeremiah aside to let him know that she’s interested in only pursuing him and he lets her know that he’s actually not really feelin’ it anymore with her. I mean I love Jeremiah but when the fuck did this happen? Not the smoothest move to make on the week when the girls have the power in the recoupling. After being rejected by Jeremiah, Rachel runs straight to Caleb to more or less let him know she wants to recouple with him.

James tries one last hail mary with Moira, and I cannot believe how nice some people can be in situations like this because I would be a cold ass bitch and eviscerate his pathetic little ego if I was her. BYE JAMES.

The recoupling goes as follows: Cely + Johnny Kierstan + Carrington Justine + Tre Mackenzie + Connor Rachel + Caleb Moira + Calvin

Leaving Jeremiah and Toxic James left to be dumped from the island. I honestly feel like Jeremiah must’ve felt like he'd gotten his vacation time in and was ready to go home, because he easily could’ve stuck it out with Rachel if he wanted to stay.

Me watching Jeremiah's goodbye speech:

The next morning a new single girl, Lauren, enters the villa-- and I’m sorry I do NOT understand the hype. She has a hot body and she’s pretty-- yes, but like... the makeup??? Specifically the eyeliner?!?! I mean with wings that thick she probably didn’t even have to take the plane to get to Vegas and I truly do not mean that as a compliment.

Lauren says she’s got her eye on Johnny which sucks for her because out of all these men, he’s the least likely to stray from his current situation. Too risky--lest we forget there is money involved at the end here and Johnny and Cely are in a really good position to win it if they don’t rock the boat.

Everyone wakes up and introduces themselves to her and take turns getting to know her. All the guys are literally losing their minds over her body. Mackenzie IMMEDIATELY lets her know that her and Connor apparently made their relationship official the evening before. Connor doesn't seem to have the same answer when Lauren asks him about it in front of the guys. Lauren: So I heard you guys are official? Connor:

Out of all the singles, Carrington and Lauren's "connection" seemed the most promising. Carrington feels torn between Kierstan and Lauren now because he thinks Kierstan might just be a villa girlfriend whereas Lauren he could see it working in the real world with. As much as I hate Carrington and his face, he is one of the few that's realistic about his relationships and actually seems to have career goals even if those goals are just to move up the pyramid in his MLM--at least he has them, right??!

Tre decides it wouldn't be a smart move to try to jump ship from Justine right now and doesn't really give Lauren too much attention at first. Unfortunately, Justine had other plans. She's willing to risk her safety this week and tells Tre that maybe they aren't meshing that well as a couple and he should definitely get to know Lauren. Tre of course acts very hurt but I honestly just don't buy that he likes Justine that much. As a friend maybe, but like, there was no romance there! He's just mad because he thought Justine would be a safe choice until someone better for him came in and he thought he'd be the one to leave her first. Now he has to worry about making another connection that will float him through past the next elimination and he knows he'll be in danger if Carrington and Lauren progress--unless Kierstan decides to couple up with him, which I'm definitely here for!

After spending the day getting to know everyone in the villa, that night Lauren gets a text that she’ll be going on a few dates. The first one is who the viewers got to pick. (Remember that app I mentioned in the first post?) I’m pretty sure I voted for Carrington because I wanted to free up Kierstan to be with Tre--because like I said, I think they could work. The other two gentlemen, Lauren got to pick herself. So she chose Johnny and Carrington. Well congrats to me I guess, cause I got my wish anyway.

Mackenzie loses her fucking mind again and is confused thinking that America really cares about her so much that we hate her, so that’s why Connor was voted. When in reality, it's not that we hate her and she's not good enough for Connor, it's we hate her with Connor and they aren't good enough for each other. I honestly think she's just not ready for a relationship at this point in her life. She gives great advice to everyone else but is terrible in her own relationship so I think she has some personal issues to work through first. NBD!

Cely, however, is on the opposite side of the spectrum of Mackenzie and is literally cheersing to her man getting picked for a date. Cely's flamboyant confidence is another reason why I think her and Johnny have some sort of agreement going on. If Johnny wanted to recouple up with Lauren he could easily jump ship but they keep reiterating their solidity. No matter what, they will try to make it to the final.

On Lauren and Connor’s date, Connor is a pen and paper short of scribbling down the word “HELP” and sliding the note across the table. He literally tells Lauren that when she showed up, she was exactly what he was looking for, he's interested in her, and he doesn’t really want to be with Mackenzie because he can't be himself around her because she's always getting upset. He basically acts like he's going to go back to villa and dump her but he doesn't.

Instead, he literally pulls Mack aside and tells her that he only sees himself with her in and outside of the villa, she has nothing to worry about, and actually re-asks her to be his girlfriend. Am I in a fever dream, what the fuck just happened? Was Lauren on a date with a different Connor??

Lauren and Johnny are on their date and Johnny seems like he's just being friendly to me. I think he’s flirting because she’s an attractive girl but there’s no way on earth this date has turned his head. He and Cely definitely made a pact in that hideaway. They know their position that they’re in right now and whether their connection stays romantic or not until the end, I think their friendship is solid enough at this point that they’ll do what it takes to try to win. I could definitely see both of them sacrificing finding a stronger connection with any potential new single to keep their position as “power couple” until the end. Carrington and Lauren's date was boring but seemingly went well enough to leave Carrington feeling even more confused than before about his feelings for Kierstan. When he gets back to the villa, he does the right thing and tells her the truth about those feelings that evening when he gets home before going to bed. Take some fucking NOTES Connor!!

The next morning, Connor takes back his grandiose declaration of like to Mackenzie from the night before and tells Mackenzie that he actually needs some time and space to process things. He then turns around and tells the guys he's emotionally and physically drained from being in a relationship with her and he's definitely breaking it off.

They play another stupid kissing game. As per usual, everyone kissed their partner except Justine chose to kiss Caleb and for some reason everyone is surprised and confused except the viewers aren't because wtf? Nobody really believed Justine and Tre liked each other right? And we all heard her tell Caleb she was interested in him earlier too, right???? Rachel however, is PISSED. Lauren chooses to kiss Carrington as her partner to kiss and then is of course deemed the winner of the competition for having the hottest obstacle course performance.


Rachel pulls Justine aside to tell her she’s offended that she kissed a boy she’s known for three days so she can’t be her friend anymore. Also Rachel literally did the same thing to Justine when she first got here with Jeremiah so I, like Justine, am extremely confused by her feelings on this situation. Is this not love Island?! Justine is just trying to find love and get her money, Rachel. It's not personal. However, it as it stands, it seems as if Caleb will be choosing Rachel this evening anyway.

Connor has yet ANOTHER conversation with Mackenzie but this time, he makes sure he wrote it all down so he doesn't accidentally propose to her instead of break up. He tells her that now he wants to take the boyfriend/girlfriend label off of their relationship and to take things slower. Mackenzie says okay--which seems really off brand for what we've seen so far and starts making out with him. The desperation feels very thick at this moment.

Calvin also tells Moira he's not into PDA, he wants to keep taking things slow, and he's open to getting to know other people if and when they come through the villa. Moira isn't pleased.

Justine pulls Tre aside to try to smooth things over between them for like, the fourth time and explain herself for choosing to kiss Caleb for the challenge. Tre isn't having it. I still don't buy that he really liked her, I think he's just mad he doesn't have a solid partner yet and it's hurting his chances of making it until the end. Justine isn't his type, and Tre isn't Justine's type either so they both need to just let it go. The conversation leaves them on even worse terms than before. Tre's only choice left is to couple up with Lauren--if Carrington doesn't choose her first.

The recoupling goes as follows:

Calvin + Moira

Johnny + Cely

Connor + Mackenzie

Carrington + Kierstan

Tre + Lauren

Caleb + JUSTINE!!!! So Rachel goes home. I honestly have to say I was shook that Caleb did that. I mean I’m not a Rachel stan but I feel like he definitely blindsided her on that one, he told her she didn't have to worry about the recoupling. (That's what blindsiding looks like btw, Mackenzie!) Also a V messy choice for him because of the Tre/Justine of it all.

After the recoupling ceremony. Kierstan pulls Mack aside to spill the tea on what's going on between Connor and Lauren--apparently they were holding hands on their date *gasp*. Mackenzie confronts him about it and nothing really happens. They seem to just get over it. I do not understand if Mackenzie really has just chilled the fuck out overnight or like, what the hell is happening???

The next day, Carrington and Kierstan get their first date outside of the villa and go horseback riding and then have a picnic. Surprisingly on the picnic portion of the date Carrington brings up where their differences lie in their respective lifestyles outside of the show and whether they would be compatible in the real world. They share their concerns and are seemingly on the same page until Carrington makes a toast to getting to know each other more but to also maybe getting to know other people as well. Romantic. This is more of the energy I expect of Carrington.

Calvin pulls Moira aside to check in where they’re at in their relationship and Moira is definitely way more set on Calvin than Calvin is on her. Both Calvin and Jeremiah have terrible timing with telling their partner they’re just not that into them. Luckily for Moira, the girls have the power in the next recoupling and if any curve balls happen and a choice had to be made to save Moira or Calvin, Moira would be saved every time unanimously. She’s boring TV, but she’s seemingly well-liked in the group which will get her closer to the end. Everyone say your goodbyes to Calvin! He won’t be missed! That evening, Connor gets the text that the Islanders can choose one more couple to go to the hideaway suite. Mackenzie jokingly (but not????) grabs Connor and essentially claims it before anyone else can speak. It wouldn't have been weird if literally everyone except Mackenzie wasn’t clued in that Connor doesn’t actually want to be with her. Whether Mack was serious or not, Moira shuts it down real quick saying there should be a discussion about it and Calvin looks like he’s about to fake Covid to ensure they won't get picked. Don't worry Calvin, I don't think you guys were in the running! And on that note, they leave us on a cliffhanger!

Tonight we’ll find out which couple gets picked for the hideaway suite, which if you ask me, it should be awarded to Lauren’s eyeliner because out of everybody at the villa, that little bitch needs to rest the most. I can’t wait to see what new single(s) will arrive this week and hopefully we’re getting closer to the “Casa Amor” week! If you don’t know what that is, it, or we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it! See you next time!

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